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We help you overcome the challenges to finding out what is really holding back your performance

You can be pretty sure you know about the obvious problems - the ones people don't mind, or can't avoid, telling you about.


But what about the many small problems that eat away at your performance? The ones that people get around, but take valuable time and resource doing so. Or the ones that involve admitting mistakes, a lack of skill, or where people had to ignore procedures. And then there are those problems which people don't have time to report, or fear might affect their prospects if they raise them.


Our mission is simple: To help organisations reach the highest global standard of performance by  discovering the truth about the unmentioned and unsolved problems they face.  








DUCHESS is an AI voice-interviewer with a proven track record in capturing insights about the real problems faced by an organisation through automating the process of large-scale anonymous interviews.


Feedback from clients is that DUCHESS helps them discover what surveys and face-to-face interviews cannot because:


  • DUCHESS uses its AI to generate follow-on questions based on what each interviewee has said, so the interview is not biased by preconceived ideas or previous interviews


  • Because DUCHESS is not a human, interviewees have said that don't feel they are wasting anyone's time by thinking about their answers


  • As DUCHESS is not their boss interviewees have said they felt more comfortable given open and honest answers


​DUCHESS is trusted by clients of all types, from large multi-national organisations to small, local consultancies:










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